Finally some Photos!! --Victoria Falls, Zambia

Finally some Photos!! --Victoria Falls, Zambia
View from the Helicopter

View from Table Mountain

View from Table Mountain
Cape Town, South Africa

Friday, March 14, 2008

Victoria Falls ---awe inspiring....

Hello everyone,

I finally met my group from Exodus in Livingstone, Zambia. We are 6 couples, 2 guys, 4 girls with 4 doctors amoungst us. The majority are from the Uk but there is one New Zealander.

We went to Victoria falls yesterday and WOW! It was something to see. It is approximately 3 times as large as Niagara Falls. I am now off to helicopter over the falls and this afternoon I am going on an elephant backed safari.

The camping is a bit rough but slowly adjusting :). Everyone is extremely friendly.

I will try to get some photos of Victoria Falls to you tonight.

Best Regards,



Audri Thomson said...

Sounds like you're having a wonderful time - can't imagine how beautiful it is. Take care, Love ya, Mum

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,

Your mum passed on your blog address and I finally had a free moment to look at it. Sounds and looks like an amazing experience. My foster child lives in Chowa, Zambia. I would love to have an opportunity to visit her but for now we communicate via letters and pictures. She speaks Tonga so the only phrases I know are and can pass on are: How are you - Mwapona chibotu and Thank you - Ndalumba. Keep posting the photos. Take Care and Be safe. Your cuz, Robyn

Anonymous said...

Were you able to take a plunge in the Devil's Pool at the top of the falls?
