Finally some Photos!! --Victoria Falls, Zambia

Finally some Photos!! --Victoria Falls, Zambia
View from the Helicopter

View from Table Mountain

View from Table Mountain
Cape Town, South Africa

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for following along and for your comments. I tried to post the superb pictures from Victoria Falls last week but unfortunately the connection was too slow to download. I will download all my photos once I hit Cape Town on March stay tuned.

So must say the safariing here is amazing! I have been camping now for 9 days...perhaps the longest ever in my life. I don't think first class camping exists! I am doing fine but have an appreciation for Heather's dwellings in Africa as I have been familiarized with the bucket shower and portable loo. Would love a soak in my bubble bath right now :) The food is remarkably good given it is all done on the campfire...roast beef with roast potatoes the other night.

It has all been worth it...saw a pride of lions yesterday morning enjoying their buffalo kill it was all females with their cubs frolicking. The lions were a meter away. I got some killer photos. Afterwards, we were lucky enough to see the male lion. We have been hearing them roaring at night but this is the first up close and personal sighting. We locked eyes it was surreal.

The sunsets here deserve special mention...amazingly beautiful and orange. By far the best I have ever seen. This really is a special place.

So much more to tell you but, only in town for 1 hour...I will write more in Livingston on March 28th.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It all just sounds amazing Jules! Sounds like fun, minus the bucket shower of course but I suppose it is better than no shower. Can't wait to see all your photos. Hugs, Tracy