Finally some Photos!! --Victoria Falls, Zambia

Finally some Photos!! --Victoria Falls, Zambia
View from the Helicopter

View from Table Mountain

View from Table Mountain
Cape Town, South Africa

Friday, March 28, 2008

Journey to Cape Town Begins- Thomson Sister Tour begins!!

Greetings from Zambia!

Received a great quote from a friend I thought I would share.

"Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water" WC Fields.

Well, it wasn't as bad as WC Fields as we cunningly took along a box of red wine to keep us warm at night around the campfire :)

Last night, was my last night of camping Hooray! I think I will actually miss it a little bit. Good for character building :) Tonight, I will be sleeping in a real bed with a pillow and soft towels. oo la la the luxury.

The road travel on this trip has been comical..definitely a lot more overlanding than I expected..dirt roads, massive potholes, windy and bumpy. Our vehicle is a Toyota Landcruiser 4X4 in need of updating..with a mere 374,ooo km on it. Yesterday, we made the horrendous border crossing at Kazungula between Zambia and Botswana. It took only 2 hours which, beats the last time our guides crossed which took 5 hours. The border is a small ferry that can carry one transport truck and 4 other vehicles. It is an archaic system..much in need of a bridge. Apparently, bribes are needed to get on the ferry in a timely fashion. My British travelling companions have to pay hefty visa fees to enter Zambia..apparently a reciprocal agreement that the UK has. It is 140 USD per entry. Luckily, as a Canadian, I only had to pay $80 USD for double entry. On the ferry, we saw women and their babies on their back. Other women with bundles of gear on their back wrapped up in colourful fabrics. Oh the heat was sweltering. It must have been 35 C. Dusty and crowded. What an experience...thank goodness I loved my travelling partners: Jakki, Rachel, Chris, Warren, Manjriy. They provided much needed comic relief.

Last night, my friend Jakki and I went to the Royal Livingstone Hotel for a cocktail and watched the sunset. The Royal Livingstone is the poshest place in town a mere $500 USD a night. It was extremely elegant. They are located on the Zambezi river and very close to the falls as you can see the mist rising. We enjoyed a refreshing PIMMS with cucumber slices. It was heaven.

I am leaving for Cape Town shortly. I am happy to report Heather and I are confirmed for massages up in Stellenbosch at the Spier Wine Estate. Now that the roughing is over, it is time to indulge a little. I also booked a tour to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned. I hope Heather enjoys that.

Off to the airport shortly...will write again tomorrow and try to get the photos downloaded. Thanks Mum for checking on the house and for helping with the snow.

Love to you all! Julie

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for following along and for your comments. I tried to post the superb pictures from Victoria Falls last week but unfortunately the connection was too slow to download. I will download all my photos once I hit Cape Town on March stay tuned.

So must say the safariing here is amazing! I have been camping now for 9 days...perhaps the longest ever in my life. I don't think first class camping exists! I am doing fine but have an appreciation for Heather's dwellings in Africa as I have been familiarized with the bucket shower and portable loo. Would love a soak in my bubble bath right now :) The food is remarkably good given it is all done on the campfire...roast beef with roast potatoes the other night.

It has all been worth it...saw a pride of lions yesterday morning enjoying their buffalo kill it was all females with their cubs frolicking. The lions were a meter away. I got some killer photos. Afterwards, we were lucky enough to see the male lion. We have been hearing them roaring at night but this is the first up close and personal sighting. We locked eyes it was surreal.

The sunsets here deserve special mention...amazingly beautiful and orange. By far the best I have ever seen. This really is a special place.

So much more to tell you but, only in town for 1 hour...I will write more in Livingston on March 28th.



Monday, March 17, 2008

Helicopter Flight over Victoria Falls!!

Flew over Victoria Falls in a helicopter and it was breathtaking. Absolutely, 10 out of 10. I understand why it is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

In the afternoon, went on an elephant back safari and saw my first wildlife sighting of a family of giraffes. We were able to feed the elephant...those trunks are wet!!
We also had a refreshing cocktail on the banks of the Zambezi River.

We are now in Botswana... it is heaven on earth...Chobe National Park is teeming with far have seen many elephants, impala, kudo, lions, giraffe, hippos. The scenery is spectacular. Need to stock up with provisions for 9 days in the bush. Wish me luck. So far it is a trip of a lifetime. I am definately drinking from the cup of life. Pinch me is this real...saw two lions stalking an was just like National Geographic.

Lots of Love,

Friday, March 14, 2008

Victoria Falls ---awe inspiring....

Hello everyone,

I finally met my group from Exodus in Livingstone, Zambia. We are 6 couples, 2 guys, 4 girls with 4 doctors amoungst us. The majority are from the Uk but there is one New Zealander.

We went to Victoria falls yesterday and WOW! It was something to see. It is approximately 3 times as large as Niagara Falls. I am now off to helicopter over the falls and this afternoon I am going on an elephant backed safari.

The camping is a bit rough but slowly adjusting :). Everyone is extremely friendly.

I will try to get some photos of Victoria Falls to you tonight.

Best Regards,


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Arrived in Joburg!!

I arrived at 3 pm local time into OR Tambo International Airport with my day pack and carry on luggage :). It was a long flight 15 hours as the video in flight service was not working... so much for my movie marathon. My seat mate was a local South African, Clyve, who nows lives in N. Carolina. He was good company talking to me about South African's history before and after Apartheid. He was also a kind gentleman and helped me everytime I needed to get my bag from the 6 ft high bin. I was easily transfered to the hotel via their free shuttle and got my first taste of the zulu language from the driver. Aparently 4 different types of tribes are found in S. Africa each with it's own language. I am now in my luxurious hotel and wow did that shower feel great. I arrived to my room and found Oprah on the Sony flat screen. The hotel is the Mondior Concorde ( it is like a mini Vegas with spa, pool, casino and restaurants. A perfect place to recharge before Zambia and Botswana. I am going to book Heather in here for her last night as it is so convenient and safe.

Happy to have arrived safe and sound. I am off to explore the hotel!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

1 Sleep and the Journey to Africa Begins!!

Leaving bright and early tomorrow for my African adventure. I am flying Calgary to Chicago, Chicago to Washington D.C. and then my 15 hour flight Washington to Johannesburg. Thank goodness South African Airlines serves meals :).

Looking forward to this month long journey. I will try to write as often as I can and download some interesting photos for you. I welcome your comments and yes, Dad, I am bringing my Tilley hat.

Warm regards to you all! Game on! Let the adventure begin :)


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pre Departure Logistics--What to Pack?

"The desire to see and explore drove body and soul from the shelter of the bungalow to the tent. What could be carried were the bare essentials; a discipline that made light of belongings and precious things"
With this philosophy in mind, I attempt to pack for 1 month all necessary gear and garb into one carry on bag and small day pack. This is an internal struggle between "gear girl" and my more feminine side. Wish me luck.